Mammy’s Cranberries

Whether you’re team sauce, relish, or can - cranberries are a must on a Thanksgiving table. Growing up, we always had two kinds: a homemade sauce for the adults, and the canned for the kids. Our goal was to have the canned jelly come out in a perfect can shape, and our preference as children was not to slice it, obviously. We always served cranberry sauce in a condiment trio with whole black olives, and cornichons.

I definitely appreciate a homemade sauce nowadays, and the ability to control its sweetness and flavor. This recipe comes compliments of my mother-in-laws family. This is a simple sauce that works well on its own, or you can other elements for additional flavor, such as chopped up orange peel/rind.

What you need:

  • 3 qt pot

  • cooking spoon

  • measuring cup

First, you want to rinse your cranberries and discard any that appear to be rotten or mushy. Next, your going to pour the berries, water, and sugar into your pot and stir to combine. Turn your burner to low-heat and cook, uncovered, for 1 hour. I stir my cranberries about every 15-20 minutes. After about an hour, you will see that the berries have burst, the sauce has cooked down significantly, the consistency is thicker and their color is darker. Turn your heat off, and let the sauce sit in the pot for about 3-5 minutes, stirring a few more times.

Let the sauce cool for a bit before pouring it into a serving dish. You can also make this sauce ahead of time and store in your refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.


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Cranberry Relish


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